Monday, August 11, 2008
Trying tennis again after 10+ years...
I've had this relatively unused racket that's been sitting around since I got it back in my Navy days... But I haven't really played much since high school... Nice and cool enough, so why not - and I go and give it a shot.
Things I've learned:
Things I've learned:
- I'm not quite used to the geometry of the newer style rackets. (Yeah, I started out with wooden rackets that have a narrower head and some longer reach.) So when I prang it, I really prang it. With the large head rackets, you really feel it when you're off the sweet spot.
- I can still smack the hell out of the ball. On occasion, when I do get a good hit and on the sweet spot - I can knock the thing into or through the fence on the opposite court. So I still "have it" in that aspect.
- My consistency needs more work. It's not as bad as I was fearing, but it's not quite as good as I want either. If I aim for a spot on the fence (where a post lines up with a tree) I should hit it. And at the desired height too. A lot of it being off probably has to do with getting used to the racket. It's akin to going to a touring bike on drops when you're used to riding a mountain bike.
- I'm probably trying too hard too soon after not playing for so long. Old habits die hard, and I always enjoyed killing the ball. If done just right, it also gets this awsome popping sound. But now I'm a bit sore because of this.
- Regardless of the bit of hurting I'm feeling now, I still had fun doing it. I guess that's all that matters, right?
Labels: exercise, fun, goofing off, recreation, tennis